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Giving Back

Global Change

At Fortress Building Products, we strive to be designers of change — not just in the industry, but also in the lives of those around us. For example, Fortress® is a big supporter of Kiva, an international non-profit with a mission to expand financial access to help underserved communities thrive. This partnership allows our employees to give back to the charity of their choice. After each paycheck, every Fortress team member gets to choose the percentage and place of his or her donation.

Then, the ripple effect of change begins. A loan might provide the needed money for a woman in Guatemala to purchase a sewing machine and acquire initial materials. Her business begins making garments and selling them at a local market. Profits are used to support and raise her two children. The loan is paid back over time and a sense of pride, freedom and independence is established. The loan is then repurposed to a new individual in need. More growth at Fortress and more employee additions generate more funding. This eventually multiplies to impact, support and forever change thousands of lives.



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