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Thursday, February 24, 2022

3 Reasons Why a Privacy Fence Should be on Your Project List

Privacy fences can turn any outdoor living space into a peaceful sanctuary for a staycation or just a relaxing afternoon. But do privacy fences add to a property’s value? Because they increase security and privacy while dampening noise, privacy fences do have the potential to increase a home’s value. However, determining how much value they add is complicated.

As multifunctionality is an increasingly sought-after design element in outdoor living spaces, these fences tend to add the most value when they act as more than just a means for privacy. A privacy fence that serves more than one purpose can present immediate and tangible benefits to homeowners, including:

1. Blocking unwanted views

2. Protecting landscaping

3. Providing space for vertical gardens


1.Block unwanted views with a long-lasting privacy fence

While privacy fences can keep people from looking into a backyard, they also can help those looking out of a backyard. If a property has a view of a highway, railroad, electrical or water treatment plant, then a privacy fence can be a perfect way to beautify this space.

2. Protect landscaping from weather and wildlife

For homes in areas that experience high winds or have active wildlife, a privacy fence can protect landscaping and the home itself. These fences act as a windbreaker for more delicate plants and can provide a barrier to windblown objects. They can also discourage wildlife like deer, raccoons and possums from wreaking havoc in an outdoor living space.

The catch is a privacy fence must be strong to act as a barrier to wind and wildlife. Thinner vinyl privacy fences can be easily damaged by extreme weather, and often this damage will require extensive repairs. While wood has some initial strength, rot and insects can compromise its ability to stand up to the forces of nature. Privacy fences that use steel provide a strong barrier that is designed to stand up to the elements.

3. Provide a rot-resistant stage for a vertical garden

One outdoor living trends shaping 2022 is the vertical garden. Whether in stacked planters or attached to a fence, these gardens save space and provide a unique look. However, because they hold moisture, they can increase the rate of rot and make routine maintenance for wooden privacy fences more labor-intensive. Wood-alternative fencing solutions resist rot while providing the strength and durability to support flourishing gardens season after season.

What type of fence really adds to property values?

Blocking unwanted views, protecting landscaping, providing a stage for vertical gardens and creating aesthetic cohesion in an outdoor living space are just four benefits a privacy fence can add. Of course, there are plenty more (like being a safety barrier for pets), so homeowners should take the time to think about what they want out of installing a privacy fence.

That said, privacy fences are not the only type of fence out there. By choosing the right type of fence for their property, homeowners can improve their home’s curb appeal. No matter the style, Fortress Building Products can help homeowners secure their property lines with beautiful and durable wood-alternative fencing. 


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